In this series of large abstract serigraphs, the late Ohio-based artist Paul Chidlaw explores how colors merge together to create sinuous, dream-like forms. This unique piece is part of a larger, experimental folio of works on paper, all of which are approximately the same size. Bold and expressive, these one-of-a-kind prints would be jaw-dropping as an assemblage or equally dramatic on their own. Each piece has imperfect, uneven edges (please see our detailed photos) and is marked on the back with the artist's estate stamp.
A student at L'École des Beaux Arts in Fontainebleau during the 1920's, Paul Chidlaw had a varied and prolific career in the art world. He painted commissions for the WPA, became a revered professor at the Art Academy of Cincinnati and mentored luminaries like Tom Wesselmann and Jim Dine. He was also an early proponent of Abstract Expressionism. Chidlaw passed away in 1989.
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